Luminous Light
CLEAR. BRILLIANT. RADIANT. GLOWING. WELL-LIT. Luminous in the free dictionary is defined as emitting light in the dark; shining bright. The site continues with: Luminous is 1. radiating or reflecting light; shining; glowing 2. full of light; well-lit 3. easily understood; lucid; clear 4. enlightening or wise If your true nature is luminous, you need to open up to “being real” and radiate your authentic self. Northouse (2019) shares, “authentic leadership is shaped and reformed by critical life events that act as triggers to growth and greater authenticity. Being sensitive to these events and using them as springboards to growth may be relevant to many people who are interested in becoming leaders who are more authentic (p. 211). As you reflect on the past year, what events will assist you in spring boarding your personal growth to develop your capacity to emit your true nature? What do you need to understand about your true nature? Perhaps you need to self-assess your capacity for authentic leadership. The Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire assesses four components of the process for exhibiting authenticity: self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. The questionnaire allows you to see which components you are stronger and weaker in to assist in interpreting your authentic leadership. Click here to complete the assessment: ALSAQ As you embark on 2020, you will have to decide if you will radiate your true nature or dim your light by not allowing others to see who you truly are? My hope this year for you is to be a luminous light.
Your true nature is luminous, get out there and emit light in the darkness...You were meant to shine bright! Book Reference Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice. Eighth ed. SAGE. Thousand Oaks, CA.
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